We are on our annual advent journey that leads to the manger and God’s gift of our Savior and Lord. In the words of our liturgy , “it is indeed right, our duty and our joy, that we should at all times and in all places give thanks and praise...” As St.Paul’s Hunger Task Force, we offer an opportunity to give thanks through St. Paul’s Annual Good Gifts Appeal.
This year we request that you use a computer to go to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America website (www.goodgifts.elca.org) to read about and view the various gifts for sisters and brothers in Christ with basic needs as they also struggle with the pandemic.
New gift opportunities this year include sanitation supplies and protection for front line workers. If you have problems navigating the website, ask a friend to assist or another congregation member you know. Also you may make your gift with a telephone call to the ELCA (800-638-3522). If you are not comfortable working with a computer or using a credit card, call the church office and make arrangements to bring your gift to the office.
Finally, over the years it has been our tradition to tabulate and total our St.Paul gifts at the close of the appeal. It would be great if you could call the church office and report the gift you’ve made (360-274-6604). Thank you in advance for participating in this appeal. -- St. Paul World Hunger Task Force.