Kids are off to school and pumpkin flavorings are soon to come - along with respiratory viruses.   Four vaccines are approved to help combat severe symptoms from Covid-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV),  influenza and pneumonia:

  • Covid-19 is recommended to everyone 6 months or older, even if you’ve been previously vaccinated.
  • Flu vaccine is recommended to everyone 6 months or older yearly
  • RSV for older adults 75+ or ages 65-74 with risk factors; RSV (Maternal) pregnant women 32-36 weeks gestation
  • Pneumococcal Pneumonia adults 65+ or ages 19+ with certain risk factors

Plus we still have to keep up on our tetanus!    Tetanus boosters for adults is every ten years. Children need six doses between 2 months and 12 years and then every ten years thereafter. Unless you cut or puncture yourself and your provider will recommend. 

Next article I’ll let you learn about more vaccines you might have missed!