Telemedicine the new approach to medical care. This may be done thru live phone calls or video chats with your health care provider. Another use is by using email or messaging to send and receive responses.

This allows your provider to check in on you without you leaving your home. Another example is using a device that takes your vital signs and sends to your provider. It is also used for urgent care issues like a cough, cold or stomach ache. I used it when I was positive to Covid and got a prescription.

I was impressed and able to do this thru my insurance carrier. I actually saw the provider using my iPad! I wish I had this ability when I was a triage nurse! To see the actual person and see the conditions of concern.

So, telemedicine appointments can deliver follow up on a health issue, get test results, manage medications and refills, and diagnose skin conditions.

Be ready before your telemedicine appointment with your vital numbers such as weight, blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. Blood sugar, if necessary and your symptoms. And lastly, check your insurance plan to find out what is covered in telemedicine